White to move and win.
1. Rc2+ Kb3 1... Kb1 2. Ne2 a1=Q 3. Nc3+ Qxc3+ 4. Kxc3 a2 5. Rb2+ Ka1 6. Rh2 Kb1 7. Rh1# 2. Rc1 a1=Q 2... Kb2 3. Kd2 a1=Q 4. Nd3+ Ka2 5. Nb4+ Kb2 6. Rxa1! Kxa1 7. Kc1 a2 8. Nc2# 3. Rxa1 Kb2 4. Rf1! the only move that wins. 4... a2 5. Kc4! Clears the Q3-square for the Knight 5... a1=Q 6. Nd3+ Ka2 7. Nb4+ Kb2 8. Rf2+ Kb1 8... Ka3? 9. Nc2+ wins the Queen. 8... Kc1 9. Na2+ Kb1 10. Kb3 and White wins. 9. Kb3 and White wins. 1-0 [Kjell Persson]